Last week I attended Quilting Connections hosted by the Quilters Consortium of NYS. While the Consortium’s main purpose is to provide the ways and means for quilt guilds across the state to network with each other throughout the year, the primary purpose of Quilting Connections is to connect local and national teachers with Program Chairpersons from the quilt guilds. Teachers display their workshops or product offerings and guilds effortlessly fill up their program calendars. It’s a win-win for everyone involved, and the women who organized this event deserve a huge round of applause. They did a stellar job!
I attended as a teacher, although I’m also a member of the Thumbstall Quilt Guild in Marcellus. I displayed my eco-dye workshop, including the silk piece in the top photo, and I was overwhelmed by the positive response. I’ve updated my workshop calendar, so if your guild, group or shop is interested in this workshop, simply contact me by email here and we’ll set something up!
I post a lot of my eco-dye fabrics and projects on my IG feed which you can view here. You can also see what other people are making with my naturally dyed fabrics here.
Did you ever have a pen pal?
I did, and I have fond memories at the age of twelve writing letters to a girl of the same age who lived far away in a tiny country called Sri Lanka. Through letter writing, we exchanged simple details about our every day lives which, over time, afforded me a basic understanding of how, with a little time and effort, a friendship can be forged, even with someone I would likely never meet in person. Each time I wrote to her, I would delight in selecting just the right paper and matching envelope, agonize over which things to write about, followed by the some what ceremonious letter folding, envelope stuffing, sealing and addressing, all punctuated by pasting the stamp. Once the letter was safely mailed off, I’d patiently wait for the day when her letter would appear in our mailbox. Holding an envelope with my name on it was, and still is, exciting!
In an age when connecting without the aid of an electronic device seems almost in danger of extinction, I had to share this organization with you. I hope you’ll share it with your family and friends, co-workers and anyone else you think would want to join in this effort. While it’s not a pen-pal experience, it is an opportunity to write a letter giving support to someone in need. Offering words of encouragement, hope and love are at the core of The World Needs More Love Letters. They’re doing something so important, and we have an invitation to join in.
courtesy of The Postman’s Knock
If you’re looking for help launching or strengthening your letter writing practice, Lindsey of The Postman’s Knock has an excellent kit that offers everything you need to stay organized and to send off extra special letters. For years, I’ve enjoyed following Lindsey’s beautiful, creative calligraphy business and receiving her inspiring newsletter. You can find a link to her jam-packed kit here: Letter Writers Complete Resource.
In writing this post, I got to thinking about the slow food, slow clothing and slow stitching movements and wondered if slow communication is a thing? I know for sure that there is something undeniably special about the love that is poured into a hand written letter. Writing letters has always appealed to the romantic in me, and I hope it always will. If you have a favorite letter writing habit or product, please share in the comments below. I’d love to hear about it!
*I’m not compensated for sharing any of the links above. I simply like to share the good stuff in life!